Our services include a complete metallurgical and materials analysis laboratory. Our experts can provide a failure analysis, root cause analysis, and materials characterization ranging from mining, microelectronics, bio-medical, aerospace, and more. All work is managed and reviewed by a materials engineer (PE). These services, equipment, and experience allows us to better accommodate our customer's needs.
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) is one of the most useful tools in failure analysis and material characterization. The SEM allows a unique view of samples and potential failure mechanisms that might not otherwise be visible with optical microscopy alone. Field emission SEM (Quant 400 FEG) with capabilities of imaging over 100kx in magnification
Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) allows for elemental constituents to be readily identified in the SEM. It is extremely useful and effective tool for analyzing small particles, such as potential contaminates, foreign particles, that could not readily be identified with other conventional methods.
EDS capabilities with sensitivity down to boron (B) elemental mapping capabilities
Field replications for creep analysis
Macro and micro examinations
Hardness testing
All microscopes are equipped with digital capture capabilities.
Macro microscope (0.8x - 5x): Ideal for low magnification viewing and documentation
Light microscope with Dark field (5x - 100x): Best for viewing prepared cross-sections
Positive material identification
Carbon content analysis