PNL provides the most comprehensive welding qualification services in the Southwestern United States. Our certification program is ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited as well as being in conformance with AWS, ASME, API and AMS welding standards. Our experts can provide you with welder and procedure qualifications that are in accordance with code and project quality requirements. We maintain a fully equipped weld and test facility that is available to your welders based on your project demands.
SMAW (Stick) - GTAW (TIG) - FCAW (Flux Core) - SAW (Subarc) - GMAW (MIG)
Tailoring each WPS to the Customers Application
Providing the widest range possible within the needs and capabilities of our clients
On Staff Welding Engineer
On Staff Certified Weld Inspectors (CWI)
Pre-Qualified Welding Procedures
Qualified Welding Procedures
Standard Welding Procedure Specifications (SWPS)
Manufacturing Applications
Semi-Automatic Welding
Robotic Welding
SMAW (Stick) - GTAW (TIG) - FCAW (Flux Core) - SAW (Subarc) - GMAW (MIG)
Structural Steel, Sheet Steel, Rebar, Pipeline, Boiler Tube Sheet, Brazing, Soldering, Deck Welding Qualification, HDPE Pipe
Eight Welder Test Booths
Individual and Group Welder Qualification Testing
Onsite Welder Qualification Testing Administration
Certified Welding Inspectors Oversee Welder Qualifications
PNL Provides Lincoln Welding Machines and Electrodes
Weld machines are well maintained and calibrated annually
Most testing is completed by an inexpensive x-ray process
Recording Data During PQR Welding
Welding Standards AWS, ASME IX, API, CWB
Fully Equipped Laboratory
Metal PQR Coupon Sourcing
"Specialized" Inner Pass Temperature Equipment
Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT)
ASNT Level III Consulting, Training
ASME R Stamp Consulting
Engineering Available
Certified Laboratory
Manufacturing Applications
Robotic Applications
Welder Customized Training Courses
Provide Assessment of Skill Level
Provide Guidance and Training in Welding Processes
Skill Upgrades
Preparation for Qualification Tests