Springerville Generating Station Unit 4 (SGS) is a 400 MW state-of-the-art coal-fired power plant constructed as an addition to existing units 1, 2 and 3 for a combined total of 1560 MW. The project was completed in December of 2009.
PNL provided comprehensive nondestructive testing services for the entire project. PNL was selected by the owner to be the sole provider of nondestructive testing services on site. PNL provided services 24 hours a day, 7 days a week working in conjunction with owner QA/QC, boiler contractors, mechanical contractors, and structural contractors. An on site laboratory was provided to facilitate as many as seven radiographic crews as well as additional personnel providing Ultrasonic (UT), Magnetic Particle (MT), Liquid Penetrant (PT) and Visual (VT) inspections. In addition PNL provided welder qualification services, both on and off site, to multiple contractors.
PNL continues to provide services as needed for outages to SGS and other power generating stations throughout the Southwest.
Services: Nondestructive Testing and Welder Qualification Services
Springerville Generating Station Unit 4, Springerville, AZ
2007 - 2009